
Welcome to Hill Reeves, a blog where I write about the things I cook and bake in NYC.

Reach me at Hill.Reeves@gmail.com

Freezer-Friendly Breakfast Sandwiches

Freezer-Friendly Breakfast Sandwiches

Freezer-Friendly Breakfast Sandwiches - Hill Reeves
Freezer-Friendly Breakfast Sandwiches - Hill Reeves
Freezer-Friendly Breakfast Sandwiches - Hill Reeves
Freezer-Friendly Breakfast Sandwiches - Hill Reeves
Freezer-Friendly Breakfast Sandwiches - Hill Reeves

Everything inside me told me not to do this. Who was I to believe that I could make decent breakfast sandwiches at home? I live in New York, for heaven's sake. There's no way my dinky skillet could ever compete with the flavor of a bodega griddle that's made thousands of egg sandwiches and seen few, if any, cleanings in its lifetime.

(A good foodie friend of mine once told me that he welcomed the letter grade system in New York because a "B" really just indicated more flavor. And if you think about it, he's kind of right. A pristine kitchen means none of that cakey, crusty deliciousness that inevitably makes its way into your food at less-than-perfectly-clean spots.)

And yet, I still decided I wanted to make my own freezer-friendly breakfast sandwiches a few weeks ago. I won't pretend my versions were anywhere near as tasty as the bacon and egg sandwiches I get at the cart outside of the subway station or the deli down the street. But when it comes to saving a few bucks and 10 minutes on busy mornings, having a few of these in the freezer has turned out to be totally worth it.

I made my own breakfast sausage, but you can also just find some patties in the freezer aisle or use baked bacon strips!

Now I must go and watch more episodes of Seinfeld on Hulu. God bless Julia Louis Dreyfus for giving me life, my sister's boyfriend for lending me his Hulu Plus login and whomever created those flosser tools. Flossing with those things while watching Seinfeld is my new favorite pasttime. Oral hygiene can be fun, guys!

Hope you all had a happy Fourth!!

I based this recipe/idea off of this one from The Kitchn.

Freezer-Friendly Breakfast Sandwiches

  • 6-8 eggs
  • 2/3 cup whole milk
  • salt
  • 6 patties breakfast sausage (OR 12 slices baked bacon)
  • 6 slices cheddar or American cheese (optional)
  • 6 English muffins

Cooking Directions

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Position rack in lower third of oven. In a large bowl, whisk together eggs and milk. Season with salt.
  2. Generously grease a 1/4 sheet pan with butter or cooking spray. Pour egg mixture into pan and bake until eggs are puffy around edges and beginning to brown in spots; jiggle pan and make sure the center of the egg mixture has set.
  3. If you haven't already prepared meat, turn heat up to 400 degrees. Line rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil (optional; helps with clean-up). Bake bacon until crispy, about 15-20 minutes. Or, if using sausages, bake until edges are browned--time will vary depending on if sausages are fresh or cooked. Follow package instructions.
  4. Slice English muffins in half and toast. You can use a toaster to do this one at a time, or you can place muffins directly on oven rack for 2-3 minutes each.
  5. Slice eggs into six portions while still in pan. Using an offset spatula, remove each portion from the pan and place on the bottom round of the English muffin. Egg slices may be irregular--simply fold eggs when removing from pan so that they fit nicely on the English muffin.
  6. Top eggs with a slice of cheese, if using, and finally with 1 sausage or 2 bacon slices. Top with muffin top!
  7. Wrap each sandwich in aluminum foil and freeze! They'll keep nicely in the freezer for about a month.
  8. When ready to eat, preheat oven to 400 degrees and place entire sandwich (wrapped in foil) directly on the oven rack. Bake for about 20 minutes to heat all the way through and melt cheese. You can also reheat in the microwave, but you'll have to experiment with timing there; I always do it in the oven! Once heated, just grab and go!
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