All tagged eggs

Mexican Tomatillo Scrambled Eggs

I bought overalls!!!!! They're black and have a lil flare at the bottom. I thought the problem would be figuring out which shoes to wear, but you know what? It's the shirt. It can't be too long cause then it gets all scrunched. It can't be a crew neck cause then I look like a kindergartener. Do you guys wear overalls? What do you do?

Eggplant Parmesan with Hard-Boiled Eggs

I returned late last night from a loverly trip to Nashville. I spent lots of fun time with my mamma, uncle, aunt, and beloved cousins. Aside from the family mumbo jumbo, though, I also ate deeeelicious things like HOT CHICKEN and biscuits and, kind of surprisingly, a really tasty kimchi salad? More on that at a later date.