All in Cooking

How to Make Orecchiette

How was everybody's Valentine's/Galentine's/Singletine's Day? Me and Danny had a marvelous dinner at Maison Premiere in Williamsburg. You might know it as one of the bars seen in Master of None. We had oysters, squid ink pasta, short ribs, salmon, and absinthe cocktails, hubba hubba. All the food made me feel full of love, I think? Certainly THE OYSTERS IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN. 

Sweet Potato and Pecan Salad

Honestly, so many ups and downs right now, team. Up: my Spotify playlist has been *on point* this week. Down: my favorite person on the planet, my dentist, doesn't accept my new insurance plan. Up: I finally went and picked up some packages mistakenly mailed to my old apartment building and now it feels like I have 4 surprise presents to open. Simultaneous up/down: Donut Fest is happening, snow or shine--yea to donuts + snow. Nay to leaving the house in a nor'easter.

Korean Fried Chicken

Hello from New York City, where it's super cold, just the way I like it. I think it got down to 19 degrees yesterday? Meaning I wear two pairs of pants, a parka, and a hat at almost all times. I sleep with an extra duvet and ointment slathered all over her body to rejuvenate my dried out skin. I eat all the cheese in the fridge for emotional reasons, but the added blubber comes in handy. 

Stuffed Turkey Meatballs with Mushroom Gravy

Happy New Year! How did you spend your NYE? While I generally spend too much time at home doing homebody things, I actually made it out for some ringing-in-2016 festivities. Me, Can, Rich, and Danny ate at Le Fanfare in Greenpoint where we were the loudest ones (by far), telling corny jokes, singing along to jazz songs we didn't know, and eating way too much squid ink pasta.

Ruote with Sausage Sauce

This weekend included lots of hauling out the holly, putting up the tree, decking the halls again nooow. Or, non-Mame words, going to Home Depot and buying a little tree, followed by raiding Candice's Christmas stash for ornaments, tinsel, and string lights. Plus, I took a little trip to Flying Tiger to buy some candles to boost the hygge in my Queens apartment.

Homemade Dino Nuggets

Welp, it's 8PM on Halloween. I've had my hair set in pin curls all day so that I can pull off some kind of 1940s housewifey look for a party I'm going to, but I just realized that I URGENTLY need to be Janet Jackson in the "Miss You Much" video, aka I need to learn that choreo *immediately* and do it all over New York City tonight. 

Raw Squash Ribbon Salad with Balsamic Glazed Chicken

I write to you from my couch where I've spent most of the weekend watching the new Justin Bieber video (is it too late now to say sorr-yy?) and my new favorite Korean drama. Oh, and I also have a new found love for Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine. I saw On Your Feet, the Gloria Estefan musical and I can't hear 1-2-3 enough times. So, yes, my weekend was 1-2-3, Justin Bieber, 로맨스가 필요해, repeat!

Savory Yogurt

My birthday was sooo great! To all of you who wished me a happy day filled with treats, things came true in a big way. Is it possible that you may have gone overboard? I've never felt so loved or stuffed on a birthday and I'm still feeling like I'm not worthy!