Hill Reeves

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Spam Musubi

What a marvelous weekend! I had guests in and out the whole time, which I love (especially when they eat all of the carrot tahini muffins I bake for them). Danny's home now. I bought some awesome new sheets and a new vacuum. I learned how to spell "vacuum"--one c, two u's. Plus I did lots of fun activities and didn't hate them! I'm that flavor of human who contemplates cancelling all plans at the last minute because the thought of leaving my home fills me with dread on some days. Particularly when the 7 train completely BLOWS like it did this week.

Those activities? Well, I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond via BUS. I love a good bus ride, over the Queensboro Bridge, with Manhattan coming into view. It always makes me think of that scene from The Great Gatsby when they drive into Manhattan from LI. I know I'm not nearly as glamorous... I'm riding the bus, after all... but it's fun to imagine. 

I also met up with some friends for a fancy coffee and financiers. And then this afternoon I went to a cooking class! We made pea souffles, lavender mini bundt cakes, salmon Niçoise salad, and cauliflower risotto. Plus I went alone and was forced to make new friends which is always a good thing, yay!

As for this recipe, I was following a few of my favorite food bloggers (Molly from My Name is Yeh, Steph from I Am A Food Blog, Lily at Kale & Caramel, Alana of Fix Feast Flair) as they documented their recent group trip to Hawaii. Lots of tweets and Snapchats filled my feeds and in, like, 60% of them, you could spot spam musubi! Being an obsessive cured/canned meat aficionado and a deeply curious-about-Hawaiian-food person, I decided to make some of my own to see what all the fuss was about. Fuss-worthy they are, indeed.

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